
Website text is at about a grade 8 comprehension level. We avoid pop-up ads and a noisy setting. Text is brief and simple to understand. There may be some unavoidable “jargon” related to scuba diving which is familiar to certified divers.

Images use “Alt tags” to describe the pictures.

Headings are bolded, often enlarged, and are used to divide text into meaningful, small sections.

Acronyms are kept to a minimum and explained, such as HHUC for Hart House Underwater Club, and U of T for the University of Toronto. Some acronyms, such as NAUI, are the accepted descriptor in the dive industry (stands for “National Association of Underwater Instructors”), but the full name is rarely used in the diving industry.

Bullet Points are often used for:

  • Clarity
  • Readability

Double spaces after periods are eliminated.

Grammar and Spelling: We work hard to perfect our grammar and spelling. Please let us know of any typos!

Being Succinct: We try! That’s our goal.

Scuba accessibility: We follow the diving safety practices of our scuba certifying agency, NAUI – National Association of Underwater Instructors.

Contact us: moc.liamgnull@snoitacinummoc.cuhh