Hart House Underwater Club is pleased to be offering a DAN First Aid for Diving Professionals course again this year.
The date has been set for March 22nd and 23rd, with two days of training from 8:30-5pm at University of Toronto in the Ramsay Wright Building.
This comprehensive First Aid Course covers:
- Standard First Aid
- Basic life support and CPR
- AED use
- Providing Emergency Oxygen (Specific to Diving Injuries)
- Neural Assessments and Stroke
- Treating Marine Life Injuries
- certification valid for 2 years
- and more…
The two day program is taught with “bite sized” presentations interspersed lots of real hands on practice with training CPR dummies, AED trainers, O2 kits and realistic accident scene and injury simulations.
This course is recommended for all SCUBA divers, and also meets the First Aid certification requirements for anyone that is planning to take a SCUBA Rescue Diver Course in the next 2 years.
Please Note:
If this is the first time you are taking the DAN First Aid for Diving Professionals course make sure you sign up as a new registrant ($120) to get the required DFAPro Student Kit, which includes:
- DANs e-learning content and online textbook (PDF)
- DANs first responder respiratory mask
- gloves
- first aid checklist slates
- exam and certification
If you already have e-learning access and the DFAPro Student Kit from last time you took the DFAPro course you can sign up as a recertification registrant ($40) (note this is still the full two day program, but it does NOT include the DFAPro student kit or e-learning access). Please make sure you bring your full DFAPro student kit, from the last time you took the course with you to the course.
Sign up is available here at Hart House: https://www.harthouseregistration.ca/Program/GetProgramDetails?courseId=70818f38-e11c-4356-ae35-efc5404b857a
Please sign up ASAP to make sure you get your kit (we will be placing kit orders Monday evening).
If you have questions please reach out to Martin (one of the course instructors).