Hart House Underwater Club Online Party & Geography Trivia Contest!
Friday, July 24 @ 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
We still can’t crowd onto a dive boat or practice buddy breathing,but we can carry on the HHUC tradition of another great party — once again on Zoom. We’d love to see the topographical features of your smile, as we play Geography Trivia this month.
Theme: Geography Trivia!
Attire: Dress up with something from your favourite country in the world! Or turn yourself into a geographic feature – ocean, mountain, iceberg, river, volcano — The sky’s the limit.
Date: Friday, July 24, 2020
Time: 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm
BYOB: Snack and drinks representative of your favourite country or geographic feature (be creative!)
Zoom Login:
The Game Platform: Kahoot — Please note that the trivia quiz will be done on Kahoot. If you are able to have two devices (e.g., a phone and a computer), it will make the game easier to play! One device will be your remote to punch in your answers, and the other will be able to display the questions via zoom. If you only have one device, that’s ok! You can just have the Kahoot link open in another tab. The Kahoot quiz link will be sent out after the social starts, so just bring your devices and your competitive spirit, and you will be all set!
RSVP: moc.liamgnull@inmulacuhh
See you then!
~ your HHUC Social Committee