HHUC Presents Heison Chak: Underwater Mapping of Humber Bay

As divers, dive clubs, and training agencies expand their conservation and exploration efforts around the world, sharing accurate information is the key to building more effective collaboration. Heison Chak from the Ontario Underwater Council (OUC) will be speaking about his mapping adventure at one of our local dive sites and popular training grounds – Humber Bay.  Divers of all levels and backgrounds as well as non-divers are welcome to attend.

Event Details:

Date: January 18, 2018
Time: 7 – 8 p.m. (attendees are welcome to stay for Q&A immediately following the talk)
Location: Hart House, South Sitting Room


Heison Chak learned to be a team-oriented tech and cave diver through Global Underwater Explorers (GUE) training.  He is passionate about teaching and coaching divers through the process of becoming thinking divers. As Director of Dive Safety for OUC, he is committed to improving dive safety through education. He is heavily involved with dive communities in Toronto, upstate New York and South East Asia. When Heison is not traveling and teaching for GUE, he is diving the Great Lakes and his new love – the caves of Florida and Mexico.